Poetry Report: NSA/PRISM Spying

“I called each snail a motherfucker while I checked their little shells for wires”

Poetry Report 6.12.13.jpg

Regarding the NSA/PRISM spying scandal:  I don't think we should be calm about this.  So I offer up my version of impotent rage against the National Security Agency.

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I’m So Angry at the NSA

I picked up the phone
and yelled FUCK YOU at the ringtone
as loud as I could.
The storm windows rattled.
So I yelled FUCK YOU at the windows too.
Then for good measure,
I told the toaster to fuck off.
I flipped off the lamp
and the refrigerator.
I showed my butt
to the television
and its dark reflection
showed it back to me,
like an evil, monochromatic peach.
Outside, the mailman
was busy with the mailbox.
He waved at me.
I opened the door and yelled
He started crying.
I slammed the door
and a picture fell off the wall.
So I wrote FUCK YOU in Bic pen
on the slightly cleaner
spot on the wall.
Then I yelled FUCK
at my left foot
and YOU at my right.
Then I stubbed my toe.
Then I stomped outside
and called each snail
a motherfucker
while I checked their little
shells for wires.
They’re always listening
so I called every member of my family
and told them to go fuck
every other member of my family.
Then I threw my cell phone
at a bald eagle.
Now I'm universally hated,
no one calls or e-mails
and my house is egged every day.
But on the bright side,
no one has any clue
what I'm currently doing
including myself.

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Scott Poole

Scott Poole is the House Poet for Live Wire! Radio, a weekly public radio show taped in Portland, OR and broadcast throughout the country. He is the author of three books of poetry, The Cheap Seats, Hiding from Salesmen and, most recently, The Sliding Glass Door (2011, Colonus Publishing). He was also the founding director of Wordstock, the annual Portland, OR book festival.


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