Cover image by photographer Kwesi Abbensetts.
NAILED Magazine is not accepting submissions at this time.
We apologize that we’re unable to review new work, but our inboxes are bursting!
Please check this page again in the future for updates.
Our magazine is designed and curated to publish and promote voices that have been historically marginalized. While we’re eager to engage with raw, honest storytelling from a diverse array of artists, priority will be given to BIPOC creators.
We are dedicated to pointing cultural focus towards issues that we believe are of critical importance (and are too often pushed aside), such as: sexuality, gender, race, death, mental health, radical politics, trauma, identity, and the body.
We accept only work that has not been previously published. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, provided that you inform us if your work is accepted elsewhere. All rights revert to the author upon publication with NAILED, however, we do ask that any subsequent publication of work originally appearing in NAILED Magazine cite the initial publication.
It may take up to 90 days to accept or decline submissions.
*Note: we are currently experiencing an overflow of submissions and response times may be significantly delayed. We apologize for this inconvenience and assure you we’ll be in contact as soon as we’re able*
Poetry: Poetry submissions should be sent in an attachment (.doc or .docx) and should include a minimum of 5 poems and not more than 15. If your poems are accepted, they will be published in suites of 4 or 5 poems each. If fewer than 4 of your poems are desired for publication, you may be asked to submit additional material until 4 or 5 are accepted. Send Poetry submissions to Sam at
Prose: Essays, Articles, Interviews, Short Fiction and Novel Excerpt submissions of 4,000 words or less will be considered for publication on NAILED Magazine. Send Prose submissions to
Visual: Photography and Visual Arts submissions will be considered for publication individually, as a featured header image, as well as in Photo Essay or Gallery form. Photo Essay and Gallery submissions should feature a well-defined theme and must include 12 images or more. Send Photography/Visual Art submissions to Julia at **Previously unpublished work is preferred (this includes work that appears anywhere online), however, submissions will be considered provided that at least a few images have not been published elsewhere.**