Songs of the Week #10- Editors Pick

“We are all our worst potential appetites”

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"Memorize the City" – The Organ

I love all of the songs this band made when they were together. They have been broken up for years and their music was never released by a label in the States, so they never toured here. None of the songs I want to sing are ever in the karaoke books.

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"Sun Medallion" -- King Tuff

When you watch any kind of footage about whatever the hell was going on near Haight Ashbury in San Francisco during the 60s, there always comes a point when the "free love" movement intersects with the "bad drug" movement, and the music will inevitably take a pronounced turn to signify how the audience is supposed to ingest the scenes depicted in the documentary. King Tuff's "Sun Medallion," short and sweet at just over two minutes and thirty seconds, is that song. Someone's idyllic version of life in an experiment comes to an end. We are all our worst potential appetites, and given enough freedom, eventually, someone's gonna' fuck everything up. Why? Because we're also free to do just that.

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"Everyday (The Way You Looked Before)" -- Shannon Hoon

This is a raw home recording which really brings me some comfort. I like feeling his voice, raw and honest, singing his emotions like a kite, floating and swirling, about to crash before rising again. There is something about the peaceful feeling inside of me when I listen to him sing, which pulls him back to me whenever the emotions are escalating. Perhaps it is how he sang so honestly about where he was at, what he was feeling, thinking about. There is always pain, but through his pain is a searching for redemption. It moves me every time.

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"Desire Lines" -- Deerhunter

I first heard this song on a mix a friend made for me a few years back. The mix became a sort of sound track for my everyday play. I never really went beyond looking further into their other albums until recently and I highly recommend listening to Halcyon Digest and their newest, Monomania. I’m still exploring and loving them more and more with each listen.

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"Old Money" – Kilroy

Once, there was a completely underrated rock band from Georgia that made a killer album called The Violent Jolt of the Capitol. And on that album is the song "Old Money," a slow-builder that sneaks up on you then breaks out into an impossibly catchy, expansive chorus. It's just a good fucking song. The band has been inactive for years, but every time I run into those guys this song gets mentioned. Sometimes good people do good work and don't get the credit they deserve. And damn the Universe for pulling that kind of horseshit.

I posted this song by the band Kilroy with their permission. This is not my song.

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Shenyah Webb

Shenyah Webb is a Portland-based visual artist and musician. She has been with NAILED Magazine since its inception in 2012 and has served as the Arts Editor and a Contributing Editor since its launch in 2013. A Detroit native, she attended The College for Creative Studies, where she focused on Fine Art and Industrial Design. She is currently enrolled in a Somatic Expressive Arts Education and Therapy training program, studying under Lanie Bergin. You can learn more about Shenyah here. (


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