Poet: M.G. Martin, Brooklyn, NY
Smalldoggies Single Poem Feature #1: M.G. Martin, Brooklyn, NY
i’m more tired than fuzz
because being a three legged ghost means years of three legged races, except that humans are visible. so, the three legged ghost climbs inside its invisible potato sack & cries bloody murder.
if it were a tumbleweed in a ghost town, at least the bored could kick it in its tumbleweed ribs. but it is not even dust, it can’t fly. it is like piece of fuzz & tired of not having ribs.
choreograph an invisible arpeggio. that’s what it thinks over & over. maybe because even the floor is painted white. or maybe because its brain is more tired than repetition. poor ghost.
when the three legged ghost goes to the shoe store, the other ghosts laugh & hit it over the head with the extra ghost shoe it has to buy, but has absolutely no use for.
before the ghost died & became one, it was a real ghost with a mortgage & three ghost children that came out of its ghost wife. life was better for the three legged ghost, then. it ate potatoes.
exhausted of the haunt/bones become fuzz. exhausted of the haunt/bones become fuzz. exhausted of the haunt/bones become fuzz. these are the lyrics of the three legged ghost song.
the three legged ghost pours itself a glass of ghost scotch, turns on the t.v. & thinks something along the lines of, my life is like a ballet that no one will ever see because i haunt their eyes.
M.G. Martin is the author of One For None (Ink Press). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in PANK, >kill author, elimae & ZYZZYVA, among others. M.G. lives in Brooklyn with Tess Patalano, the lady poet & Ihu, the lady dog. He once karate chopped Billy Collins in the neck.
Find him at mgmartin.tumblr.com & @themgmartin.
M.G. Martin was a feature reader at the Smalldoggies Reading Series PDX003 Show.