Letter: To Ted Turner From a Dime, by Ben Bailey

“I have fostered relationships with wallets”

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Ted Turner
133 Luckie Street NW,
Atlanta, GA 30303

Dear Mr. Turner,

It is obvious that you are a busy man and I do not intend on taking too much of your time. However, I do ask that you take a minute of your time to read a very important message from Denny the Dime.

My name is Denny. I was manufactured in 1989 and I have ventured through countless vending machines. I have fostered relationships with wallets from Fossil to Dockers. I once spent two years under the seat of a bus in Milwaukee and was then picked up by a homeless man and used for a cup of coffee. My life has not been an easy one but I live the transient life in order to help people buy a can of soda or make a local telephone call. A man with your wealth has probably never seen nor held a dime in years so I am writing this to remind you that shiny pieces of metal like myself and the coin community at large still exist.

Thank you for your time.

Simon El-Dorado
1009 SW Bay State Rd,
Port. St. Lucie, FL 34953

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Header image courtesy of Harry Byrne. To view a photo essay of his urban decay photography, go here.


More than one editor and/or contributor was responsible for the completion of this piece on NAILED.


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