#imnotcrazyyourecrazy by Dezarae Boyd-France

Nothing is off-limits and nothing is sacred, except her ass…

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Dezarae Boyd-France is a twenty-something wannabe comedian working full-time to suppress her daddy issues and shortcomings in life, and working part-time as a counselor and a burlesque dancer. Growing up as a backwoods hick then moving to the big city, she holds the belief that if you are unable to laugh at yourself, you must be a huge joke. She lives in Portland, Oregon, has no sense of humor, hates fun, and has no real friends except her cat. She is completely average there by day, but by night she is an EDM-loving glamazon bitch covered in glitter, Maker’s Mark, and tears, twerkin’ hard for the money. It is rare that she is photographed by anyone beside herself, as she is a shameless selfie-taker/elusive beast, but if you happen to catch her in one of her natural habitats, snap one and tag her on Instagram @yovr_mom.

Carrie Ivy

Carrie Ivy (formerly Carrie Seitzinger) is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Publisher of NAILED. She is the author of the book, Fall Ill Medicine, which was named a 2013 Finalist for the Oregon Book Award. Ivy is also Co-Publisher of Small Doggies Press.


Mapping Heidelberg by Mike Boening


Featured Artist: Imran Qureshi