Hallow and Deep by Kim Webb-Beigel

Whispers from graves around the world



Kim Webb-Beigel’s career in the arts has spanned over three decades. Kim’s approach to her work involves the fine balance between subtleties and abrupt impact; comfortably drawing the recipient in and leaving them with something they will remember. She has won numerous national awards in culinary, ice sculpting, painting, writing and photography. Kim resides in the Sonoran Desert of Tucson Arizona and in the Maritime Alps of Triora, Italy with her husband.
Email the artist at lightsway@gmail.com

Shenyah Webb

Shenyah Webb is a Portland-based visual artist and musician. She has been with NAILED Magazine since its inception in 2012 and has served as the Arts Editor and a Contributing Editor since its launch in 2013. A Detroit native, she attended The College for Creative Studies, where she focused on Fine Art and Industrial Design. She is currently enrolled in a Somatic Expressive Arts Education and Therapy training program, studying under Lanie Bergin. You can learn more about Shenyah here. (Shenyah.com)


Poetry Suite: Brian S. Ellis


Interview: Luck-One, by Ryan Feigh