Artist Feature: Jarad McHugh
"Breaking down the illusory boundary between inner self and outer experience."
For illustrative artist Jarad McHugh, drawing is a mode of exploring the divine mystic. Forging deep connections with chosen ritual and mythology through the act of making, his work conveys both classical forms of figures as well as futuristic android femmes emblazoned with sacred geometry. Introspection through the lens of ink and paper allows the artist to merge a broad range of influences into a unique kaleidoscopic style, filled with potent personal themes that viewers can easily find in themselves, just as Narcissus does.
From the Artist:
For me, art is an act of self-creation. It is the means by which I become my own mother, my own father, and my own child. Self-creation is, I believe, at least one function and purpose of art. To draw on the page (or wall or skin or anywhere else) is to draw out more complete and fulfilled versions of yourself. This is to say that I believe art breaks down the illusory boundary between inner self and outer experience, thus balancing then synthesizing inner and outer. This balancing and synthesis are themselves happiness, satisfaction, and contentment. In short, my drawings are sigils intended to actualize my inner potential for all facets of life.
My hope is that these drawings’ sigilized energy does not remain limited to my experience, but can draw out of those who view them a recognition of their own potential for joy and success--whatever that may mean to someone. Please, get whatever you can from this art, and know that you matter immensely.
Jarad McHugh is an artist and high school teacher living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His creative influences lately come from mythology, religious texts, science fiction novels, and other Albuquerque based artists.
Instagram: Lady_Jupiter_Art