Artist Feature: Hyuro
Challenging certain stereotypes of women and social stigmas...
Street artist, Hyuro uses a monochromatic pallet and minimalistic style, allowing her viewer to focus primarily on her subject matter and message. Hyuro’s work often deals with a series of women, which appear rather mundane in appearance, within and against nature.
Usually set against weathered walls, the female figures within her paintings are confronted with uncommon scenarios, challenging certain stereotypes of women and social stigmas alongside urbanization upon the natural state of the human being.
In addition to the suite of images shared below, one of her most impressive murals can be found in this video. It is a series of images of a deer and a forest painted along a 271 meter long wall in Copenhagen. The mural flows like a moving image so that passersby can follow the deer from light to darkness and back to light, from the open to the forest and back again.
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If you enjoyed this feature, you may also enjoy the street art of Dadi Dreucol. View it here.
Hyuro was born in Argentina but is currently living in Spain. In addition to spreading her imagery of humanity and society to the walls of Western Europe and South America, she also has held solo exhibitions of her work on canvas.You can visit her official site here.