Found Letter: You are mine.

“I’m wearing a new dress tonight. It looks like candy”



You are mine.

So I just masturbated for the first time since the night I told you I would wait for you. I haven't gone that long in a good while. Thanks for telling me I could. I really wanted my next orgasm to be because of you. But I couldn't help it. I'm a horny bastard.

I'm wearing a new dress tonight. It looks like candy. You'll see it soon enough. Hannah is my date. I can't wait 'til you and I can go out together. You'll be my real live boyfriend. And we'll hold hands and kiss a lot. Wow. You'll be home in less than a month. Boy oh boy.

This is my blood.

I picked a scab.

You are mine.

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More than one editor and/or contributor was responsible for the completion of this piece on NAILED.


Existential Martian Landscape, Coachella 2013 by Stacey Atwell


The Cellar Door by Duncan Whitmire